Journalist Furlough Fund The Journalist Furlough Fund (GoFundMe) is created by Seattle and Washington journalists who...
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List of resources to help businesses impacted by COVID-19 in Washington State. Grants and business loans at the city, state, and federal level.
Donate to Help Area Workers/Assistance Funds
Seattle businesses and workers are suffering from the COVID19 shutdown and you can help! Several fundraisers are...
Intentionalist: Takeout and Delivery Directory
Intentionalist is an online guide to intentional spending that supports small businesses and diverse local...
Support Local Restaurants: Spokane Delivers!
What's The Idea Behind Spokane Delivers? "The public health measures to contain COVID-19 create a huge impact on local...
Open Restaurants for Take-out in Seattle! #supportseattlesmallbiz
How cool is this great new map from the City of Seattle to support small business? Very cool. If you are a business...
[PDF] Free Coronavirus Business Closure Sign for Washington State
These signs are free to use and modify for your business. Download the temporary business closure sign PDF or make a...
Small Business Assistance in Seattle & WA
Resources are emerging at local, state, and federal levels to help the small businesses hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic....
Resources for Keeping our Nonprofits Healthy
Our nonprofit and charitable sector in Seattle is playing a vital role in delivering services to the most vulnerable...
Domestic Employers – Domestic Employees Guidance
How to be a fair employer during the COVID19 Crisis Guide from Hand in Hand Hand in Hand is a national network of...
Amazon Accepts SNAP EBT in Select States
This website will provide links and resources related to private companies with potential for...
City of Seattle: Small Business Stabilization Fund
City of Seattle: Small Business Stabilization Fund From the City of Seattle: " To mitigate barriers to capital for...