Formally organized and long-running nonprofits across the state are rising to the challenge of serving communities...
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Learn how you can volunteer here in Washington State to help those impacted by COVID-19. Shop for the elderly, help at a foodbank, sew hospital masks, and more. Look for the VOLUNTEER link within resource posts in addition to those below.
Washington Food Banks: Find Food, Volunteer, & Donate
Foodbanks & Food Relief Distributors Washington State foodbanks are working hard to serve the needs of the food...
Seattle Works: Mega-List of Seattle and WA COVID-19 Resources
We love a great curated list of Resources, and Seattle Works comes through. Seattle Works' mission is to connect...
United Way: Volunteer and Donate Spokane
Spokane County United Way has a Volunteer Portal to VOLUNTEER HERE. Instruction are also provided to register if your...
Donate to Help Children and Babies
Many Washington State nonprofits are dedicated to the health and safety of children and babies. The current outbreak...
COVID-19 Mutual Aid Solidarity Network: Diverse Assistance
The solidarity network has created a Seattle area COVID-19 "Request Support" Form. "If you would like food or other...
United Way’s “Where to Volunteer”
United Way of King County United Way has links to ways to volunteer at the site above, and offers this advice on how...