How can I get supplies for my baby? How can I help young families? Below are links to non-profit diaper banks in...
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List of resources for parents to help kids cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Emotional support ideas and resources for online learning.
Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding
We're expecting a baby, what is known about COVID-19 and pregnancy, prenatal care, and breastfeeding? This is a scary...
Resources and Ideas for Learning at Home
Seattle Homeschoolers Facebook Group We'd love to give credit where credit is due to this expanding Google Document of...
Donate to Help Children and Babies
Many Washington State nonprofits are dedicated to the health and safety of children and babies. The current outbreak...
Mega-list of Home Learning Resources for Kids
Below is a mind-blowing list of over 200 educational resources for remote learning, teaching, homeschooling, and for...
Emotional Coping for Kids and Parents
National Association of School Psychologists From the National Association of School Psychologists is this resource...