Our nonprofit and charitable sector in Seattle is playing a vital role in delivering services to the most vulnerable in Washington State. Below are some resources for non=profit leaders, Boards, and staff that we recommend. Washington State nonprofits may access resources and information to see how others are tackling the crisis.
Washington Nonprofits
As the state association for all nonprofits, Washington Nonprofits makes sure nonprofits have what they need to succeed through learning, advocacy, and collaboration. Nonprofits that typically operate on thin margins are facing unprecedented challenges. Washington Nonprofits is committed to supporting nonprofits through this crisis with timely information and advocacy.
- Washington Nonprofits has posted and updated Coronavirus Response Resources for Nonprofits with many helpful links and to articles and webinars.
501 Commons
501 Commons provides expertise to nonprofits through 30+ services, including management consulting; technology consulting; outsourced HR, accounting, IT infrastructure, and database management services; professional development and board training; and free information and referral services.
- 501 Commons is has posted this page of Resources for Preparing for COVID-19 and Other Emergencies.
501 Commons and Tech Impact: Prepare.Respond.SERVE
From the partners: “501 Commons and Tech Impact have teamed up to launch a brand new website dedicated to helping organizations adapt their work practices in this unforeseen emergency.
- Visit preparerespondserve.org for a list of resources and timely updates on how technology can be your friend in dealing with emergencies. We are providing guidance on how to prevent work disruptions, and stay connected to files, data, and colleagues while while some or all staff members are working remotely.”
Board Source
- From the BoardSource Blog, a great piece What Nonprofit Board Members Should Be Doing Right Now to Address the COVID-19 Situation. It address response, events, investments, safety, communications, and Board roles – a great framework to think through your organization’s response to COVID19.
- Candid.org has a summary of grant investments to address the COVID19 pandemic. This isn’t a gateway for funding opportunities, but might give you some idea of where philanthropic money is flowing at the global level.
Independent Sector
IndependentSector.org has a great landing page on nonprofit/independent sector Information on COVID-19. The links include these highlighted resources:
- Center for Disaster Philanthropy: COVID-19 Declared a Pandemic
Updated hub related to global effect, where to help fund, and articles linking to the overall response to COVID-19 focused on disaster philanthropic giving. - National Council of Nonprofits: The Nonprofit Community Confronts the Coronavirus
Outlining how the sector has reacted to COVID-19 and resources for how to move forward (external resources from state associations of nonprofits), day to day advice and the “encouraging civility.”
- There is a lot of wisdom and outstanding links (we”ll flatter with plagiarism) at the private consulting firm RiskAlternatives.com at the Coronavirus Nonprofit Risk Management Resources page. See their framework of Identify, Prioritize, Respond, and Assess and Improve and emphasis on Authoritative Guidance.